To My Illness, You WIll No Longer Define Me

For the past year of my life, you have controlled me in ways that I'm ashamed to admit. I never saw you coming, but I hate everything that comes along with you.

I never imagine that something so awful like this could happen, but I guess no one ever dies, right? I find myself longing to just be free of you. I want more than anything to go back to who I was before you came into my life.

I can feel myself changing from the inside out. I don't laugh the same anymore. I don't see the good in everything the way I once did. I'm more sad than I used to be, and I hate that. I feel like you've taken a huge part of me.

There was once a time in my life when I had everything. I had a great job. My own car. Great friends. It's not that I don't have those things anymore, but I can feel the changes in it all. I see people look at me and I'm not me anymore. They can't see past the cancer and that kills me inside.

But today is the day I stand for something else. It's the day I've decided to not let you take anymore than you already have. It's the day that you get removed from my head. It's the day that you will no longer exist. It's the day you will no longer have power over me.

No matter what the cost, I will get me back. So screw you, cancer.


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