A Letter To Anyone Who Accused Me Of Lying About My Illness

Dear You,

It's been a while since I've said anything about the preposterous accusations and lies that you've been spreading about me for the last several months. You see, when I heard the things you were saying, deep down I wanted to say so much about it. I wanted to defend myself, and prove each and every one of you wrong because I have the ability to do so. I have the proof. I have the signatures. I have the video footage to just be able to prove that all you've been spreading are lies.

But I didn't and I have stayed silent through this entire mess. 

You might wonder why I just sat around and did nothing when I had the chance to clear my name, my reputation. Well here's your explanation, after all this time.

Not that you deserve one. 

 I'm a twenty four year old adult, and I owe nothing to anyone. I answered your accusations with silence because at the end of the day, what do I lose? A few "friends"? I'm not worried about the fact that none of you aren't here anymore because if you had really been my friend, if you had really cared you would have come to me FIRST. There are so many things that you've said and done that people have come to me with, and in the end, it only made all of you look ridiculous by not gathering your facts and getting  the right knowledge of the lies you spread.

You see, having doctors on your side, and being able to add people to your healthcare plan so they can call and ask about your health, well it really does come in handy to be able to prove people wrong. Being able to have prescriptions for certain things you can only get by a doctor's order, that comes in handy too.

 Having printed out pictures from a hospital, and a disk with all your information on it, with the hospital's signature stamp on, well, my dears, that comes in hand too.

 Having gone to a support group, in which you have to be referred to just to get in, that comes in handy as well.

Being able to apply for  and getting approved for benefits like WIC, and disability because of the health problems you are having, well, that comes in handy too.

At the end of the day, I was silent. I knew that it would blow over because I didn't have anything to hide. I made the mistake once of begging people to believe me, but what do I gain out of that? The brutally honest truth is that people are going to believe what they want to believe, even when the truth is starting directly in their face. You can't make someone see what's there, some people are just too ignorant for that.

I'll admit, you had me going for a minute. You had me at my lowest. I was ready to give up the fight, and take my own life. I was depressed. I was scared. I was ready to take my last exit to freedom because that was how far you pushed you me. Shit hurts, and there are consequences to the things that we say and do.

I realized something important though, and that was I am NOT the opinion of someone who doesn't even know me. My worth doesn't depend on the lengths you go to ruin my reputation. At the end of the day, the truth shall set you free, and the truth is on my side.

 You go around spreading the lies, the hate, and the drama, and I sit here and ask myself why you might do that. What do you get out of it? What do you benefit out of making someone's life a living hell?

Now,  I might not know the answer to that, but I do know that the more damage you cause, the more my case builds up. All this time you've done and said what you have has just been time that I've been able to gather my own way to set myself free. So I encourage you to keep it up, because I'm going to come out the other end. I have the people who really matter in my life. The people who supported me. The people who've held my hand as I sat here in a hospital bed, fighting for the life of myself, and my child. Hospital records to prove this.

So I encourage you, please keep it coming because I'm no longer the one that's being questioned. I'm not the one that looks like the fool anymore. I'm not the one who looks like the manipulating asshole, you are. So decide what kind of life you want to leave behind before it's too late. You will be in my thoughts. I hope for your sake, and the sake of others that you will finally let go of the grudge of someone who wasn't going to let you walk all over them. Have a good life, my loves. I know that's what I'll be doing.

With all this being said, this is the last I will ever say about it. I've said my peace, and I'm moving on. The old Ada is officially gone, and I'm becoming a harder, and stronger version of myself who refuses to give a flying fuck what anyone will say.


Ada.(The Girl, who no matter what you do will always hold her head up high.)


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